1- Company data:

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the company’s identification details are set out below.

  • Company Name: ASTURPESCA S.L.
  • FISCAL ID.: B33371147
  • Social and Commercial Address: Travesía de la Industria 74-76, 33401 Avilés
  • Telephone: 985527077
  • Email:
  • Registration data in the Mercantile Registry: Mercantile Registry of Asturias, Volume 1329, Sheet 70, Page AS-5129, 1st registration.

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of this website is ASTURPESCA S.L. with NIF/CIF B33371147 and domiciled in Travesía de la Industria 74-76 33401 Avilés, telephone 985 52 70 77 and e-mail info@asturpesca. com being its social activity the wholesale trade of fish and seafood and other food products and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Asturias, Volume 1329, Folio 70, Sheet AS-5129, 1st Inscription

In this space you will find all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between the users and the person responsible for this website.

As a user, it is important that you know these terms before continuing to browse this site.

The present document establishes the conditions that govern the use of this website, whatever the application, digital medium, support or device through which it can be accessed.

2- Use of the web

By accessing the website you acquire the status of user, accepting these conditions of use. However, the mere use of the website does not initiate a contractual/employment relationship between the parties.

By using this website (and placing orders through it) you agree to:

– To use this website only to make legally valid enquiries or orders.

– (Only for sites with sales) Not to place any false or fraudulent orders. In the event that such an order could be considered to have been placed, we will be authorised to cancel it and inform the competent authorities.

– Provide us with your email address, postal address and/or other contact details truthfully and accurately. Likewise, you agree that we may use such information to contact you if necessary, following what is legally established and detailed in our Privacy Policy.

– Not to disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, of apology of terrorism or of an attack against human rights.

ASTURPESCA S.L. reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate respect for personal dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threaten youth or children, public order or security or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication.

Furthermore, ASTURPESCA S.L. is not responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the blog or other participation tools that may be created, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

3- Data protection

In accordance with the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5th December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament, ASTURPESCA S.L. undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures, according to the level of security of the data collected, in order to guarantee the security of the personal data and to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access.

For further information, please consult our Privacy Policy.

4- Intellectual Property

ASTURPESCA S.L. is the owner of all the intellectual property rights of the web, as well as of the elements contained in it.

Any use not previously authorized by ASTURPESCA S.L., will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

This material may only be used in the manner expressly authorised by the entity or by those who have granted a licence for its use; although this will not prevent this website from being used to the extent necessary to copy information about orders or contact details.

To make any observations regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the web site, you can do it through the following e-mail:

5- Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

ASTURPESCA S.L., will not be responsible for any failure, delay or impediment in the fulfilment of any of the obligations assumed, when this is due to events that are out of our reasonable control, that is, due to force majeure, meaning any act, event, lack of exercise, omission or accident that is out of our reasonable control.

6- Modification of the conditions

ASTURPESCA S.L. reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions. The modifications introduced will not have a retroactive character.

7- Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or questions related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish legislation will be applicable, to which the parties expressly submit themselves.